Sim's Electrical Companion
18th edition Regulations Exam Advice
Use the latest version of the regulations book - The exam is in order of the book so the following is of
The Exam is two hours and has 60 questions you have two minutes per question. If it takes you longer than two minutes to find the answer, flag it and reattempt it at the end. Don't risk missing marks taking too much time on individual questions. Be familiar with each of the the part contents pages and do as many practice tests as you can find. Take a scientific calculator
and your reg's book (no notes in the book!) and most of all GOOD LUCK.
Part Questions Section
1 1-4 (4) 7% Scope
2 5-6 (2) 3% Definitions
3 7-12 (6) 10% General Characteristics
4 13-27 (14) 25% Protection for Safety
5 28-41 (13) 23% Selection & Erection
6 42-45 (3) 7% Testing & Inspection
7 46-55 (4) 17% Special Locations
8 56-60 (4) 8% Prosumers Installations